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Add an editor to multiple proofs

Using a bulk action on the dashboard, you can add an editor to several proofs at once. You can have as many editors as you need too.

Gemma avatar
Written by Gemma
Updated over a week ago

You can add an editor to several proofs that you own at once via your dashboard. This is useful for when you have several proofs that have been returned with to-do lists or are needing new versions, and you want to assign the same editor to action the changes.

To add an editor to multiple proofs

Step 1

On your dashboard, click the cog icon.

Dashboard icons

Step 2

Select which proofs you’d like to add the editor to by marking them with a tick. You will only be able to tick proofs that you own.

Selecting a proof tile

Step 3

Add the email address of the editor, and a message to the editor if you like. Click add editor.

Manage menu showing adding an editor to multiple proofs at once

Note: You can have as many editors as you need to on a proof.

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