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Deleting a proof

Proof owners can delete a proof, or version of a proof, if they want all trace of it removed. Deleting a proof is permanent.

Gemma avatar
Written by Gemma
Updated over a week ago

As a proof owner if you need to delete proof you can – for example:

  • If the proof was uploaded by mistake.

  • If you want to remove all history of a proof (along with the comments) from your records. 

Deleting is not reversible so please make sure you are very certain you want to remove the proof and all its comment history before you do so.

To delete a proof, or version of a proof

Step 1

Open the proof’s manage pane either by clicking the cog icon on the proof tile.

Manage cog icon

Step 2

Click delete proof.

Step 3

Click yes, delete to confirm.

Delete button

If you want to delete a specific proof version, make sure you are viewing the version of the proof that you would like to delete, open the proof’s info pane, click the cog icon and click delete proof. Then click version X.

The proof and all its comments will be removed permanently.

Disappearing gif

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