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As a team member, you can generate reports on how well your proofs are performing. Team reporting is available to team administrators.

Gemma avatar
Written by Gemma
Updated over a week ago

There are several reports to choose from to gain insight into the efficiency and workflow of your proofs.


Proofs with my decision
This report will show all proofs you have made a decision on.

Approved proofs
This report will show how well proofs are getting approved (how many versions, comments collected along the way, and how long it took from beginning to end before final approval was given).

Proofs out in review
This report shows proofs out in review (those in a status of ‘in proofing’), and where the hold-up is (the current workflow step, and the reviewers in that step who haven’t made their decision yet).

Proofs out in review (overdue only)
This report shows proofs that the due date has passed (those in a status of ‘in proofing’ and are overdue) and where the hold-up is (the current workflow step, and the reviewers in that step who haven’t made their decision yet).

Proof back from review
This report shows proofs that are back from review and are currently undergoing a new proofing cycle. 

To generate a report

Step 1

Click your avatar and select reporting.

Step 2

Select a report from the drop-down list, enter the date range if applicable, and click generate report.

Select a report screen

The report will be emailed to you as a csv file.

Team Reporting

Team administrators on the Team and Teams Plus plans can also produce reports on how well the team’s proofs are performing.

If you are the team administrator you will see additional options on the drop-down menu to generate reports on all proofs produced by your team.

There are several reports available to team administrators on the Team and Teams Plus plans

Team Reporting: Enterprise plan only

For enterprise customers, team administrators will see an additional team report:

  • Team: Reviewer activity on proofs.

Team administrators of Enterprise plans will see an enterprise-only report as well as the other team reports

This report details when the proof reached a workflow step, when the reviewer finished their review and gave their decision, and how many comments they created for a proof version. It can be used to identify bottlenecks and track reviewing targets.

Note: Due to changes in data capture, this report is available for proofs created after 15 June 2023.

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