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Downloading the proof & attachments

It’s easy to download an attachment has been included with a comment on a proof. You can also download the original proof file. Here’s how.

Gemma avatar
Written by Gemma
Updated over a week ago

To download the proof’s original file

If the proof owner has allowed it, you can download the proof’s original file and also any comment attachments. Look for the download icon at the bottom of the proof screen. Click the icon to download the original file.

Download icon on the proofing screen

Tip: The download icon can also be found on the proof tile.

To download a comment attachment

There are two options to choose from: 

  • Download the attachment from the comment itself

  • Use the download feature on the proof which gives you the choice to download the original proof file and all/selected comment attachments.

Option 1

Click the attachment file name in the comment and select download.

Attachment thumbnail and menu options

Or, click view to open the attachment first. When the attachment has displayed on screen, click the download button.

Option 2

Click the download icon when you are viewing a proof.

Download icon

Select the proof and/or any attachments you’d like to download.

Downloading of a proof and attachments screen

Troubleshooting tips

If an attachment doesn’t display on screen when clicked, there are two possible reasons why.

  • When the reviewer was adding the attachment the browser/tab was closed before it had finished attaching. A message is presented that says changes may be lost if you continue to close the browser, however the reviewer may have still chosen to close their browser/tab.

  • Or, the file they attached to the comment was corrupt in some way.

Reach out to your reviewer and ask them to attach the file again to the comment – you can do this by replying to their comment (even @mention them as well if you like – this will send them an email asking them to look at the reply).

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