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Reviewing a proof
Reviewing a proof

Use the red pen to add comments to all types of work – artwork, imagery, documents, presentations, audio, video, websites and HTML proofs.

BookmarksSave your spot with a bookmark and pick up right where you left off in your review process. Here’s how to add a bookmark.

Adding comments to a proof is easy. There are different red pens to choose from, and you can edit/delete comments too

Adding a commentGiving feedback is essential to successful collaboration. Learn how to use your red pen to review your proofs in PageProof.
Creating private commentsA comment or reply can be created and made private that only you and your team can see. Your team administrator must enable this feature.
Use mentioning to draw the attention of others to your commentTo alert a specific person to your comment, use @ mentioning. This will draw their attention to your comment or reply.
Adding attachments to commentsAttachments can be added to comments and replies to supply imagery, copy, logos etc to the proof owner.
Styling commentsBold, italics, underline, strikethrough, superscript, lists, and links – add rich text styling to your comment for emphasis and clarity.
Using comment numbersYou can link comments together using the comment number. It’s easy to use a hashtag to refer to another comment. Here’s how.
Editing a commentYou can edit your comment if the proof is still in progress. If you’re the approver or proof owner, you can edit other people’s comments.
Edit pin positionYou can move your comment’s pin/markup position if you need to. Anyone who can edit the comment can do this: the commenter or proof owner.
Deleting a comment or replyIf you’ve added a comment, or a reply to a comment on a proof, you can delete it if you need to. Here’s how delete a comment or reply.
Star a commentAgreeing to a comment made by another reviewer is one way to make sure that you add value to that suggested change. Here’s how to agree.
Add a comment duration on a video proofIf you’re reviewing a video proof and need your comment to span over time on the video timeline, you can. Here’s how.
Setting the color of the pen toolThe default pin colors of gray, red, and green can be changed. You can change the default colors of the pin markup in your profile settings.
Filtering commentsFilter the comment pane to see comments/replies made on a proof by a particular reviewer, page number, agrees and more.
Comment iconsUnmarked, to-do, done – what does each comment icon mean? And how can you change the default comment pin colors.
Text search in a PDF proofIt’s easy to search for text, words or phrases in a PDF proof using preview mode in the proofing screen. Here’s how.
Importing comments from a PDFIf you have a PDF with comments, it’s easy to import the comments and markup onto the proof in PageProof in a couple of clicks.
Invisible reviewer commentsHow to set up a proof where reviewers outside of your team can only see their own comments and no one else’s.
Using dictation for commentsIf your browser allows dictation, it’s easy to turn this on to let you dictate your comments. Here’s how to use this feature of the browser.
Setting the keyboard shortcut to submit a commentYou can change the default shortcut key for submitting a comment from ‘Shift + Enter’ to ‘Enter’ if you’d like. Here’s how.