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How to create a proof

To create a proof: Drag and drop a file onto the file dropper, or click to select your file from Google Drive, Box, Dropbox or OneDrive.

Gemma avatar
Written by Gemma
Updated over a week ago

Creating a proof is simply a matter of dragging and dropping your file/s onto the file dropper icon, or instead choosing your file/s from a cloud service provider such as Google Drive, Box, Dropbox or OneDrive.

Creating a proof

Step 1

On your dashboard, drag and drop a file (we support all these files types), or click the file dropper icon and select the location of the file.

The file dropper icon showing different file location options

Step 2

Complete the proof setup by:

  • Checking the proof name

  • Adding any additional tags (for example a job number, project name or client name)

  • Setting a due date and time that you want to receive the feedback by – even set up an automated reminder too.

  • Adding an optional message to reviewers

Step 3

In the reviewers section, click add reviewers. Choose whether you want to create a workflow from scratch, or use a workflow template that you’ve created beforehand, or had shared with you.

Add reviewers

Step 4

Click send proof.

PageProof will send out proof invitation emails when the proof has finished processing and is ready for reviewing.

Note: If the file dropper icon is not shown on your dashboard, use the in-app chat on your dashboard to reach out to our team who can set you up on a trial.

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