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Sync a item with proof workflow step information
Sync a item with proof workflow step information

Here’s how to automatically update a monday item column to keep track of where the proof is at in its workflow.

Gemma avatar
Written by Gemma
Updated over a week ago

You can see where your proof is at in its workflow from your item, just follow these steps:

To sync the proof’s workflow step to a column

Step 1

On your board, add a column (for example a text column named current workflow step) by clicking the plus icon and choose your column type.

Adding a column to

Step 2

Add a template to your board that will automatically update the workflow column by clicking integrate.

Integrate button

Step 3

Search for PageProof, then select one of these ‘keep it in sync’ templates:

Keeping a item in sync template
Keep a subitem in sync template

Step 4

Click item (or subitem) in the template and map your workflow step information (for example current workflow step name) to your item’s column.

PageProof template to keep the item in sync

Mapping proof information to your columns in

Mapping the current workflow step to the current workflow step column

Your column will now be updated where the proof is currently at in its PageProof workflow.

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