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Airtable & PageProof

It’s easy to integrate PageProof with Airtable. Create proofs, automatically update tables in your base with proof information, and more.

Gemma avatar
Written by Gemma
Updated over a week ago

Add the PageProof extension to your Airtable base to make PageProof available to all your tables. Once added, you can create a proofs table if you’d like, and also connect proofing information throughout the tables in your base.

Use the PageProof & Airtable integration to:

  • Create proofs directly from file attachments in Airtable

  • Add a handy proofs table to your base

  • Add columns of proof data to your tables which are kept in sync with proof information

  • View proof records in a view that suits you – for example, grid, Kanban, calendar, etc.

  • Automatically upload the final approved file as an file attachment to Airtable

  • Create an Airtable interface view to create, view, and report on proof records.

Add the PageProof Airtable extension

Step 1

Click extensions, then click add extension. Search for PageProof and add the extension.

Then follow the instruction wizard by clicking get started.

PageProof and Airtable integration setup wizard

Step 2

Either select an existing proofs table, or choose to create a new proof table.

Set the default preference for creating a proof table record when creating proofs from other tables.

Setting up the proof data to sync to your table

Step 3

Match the PageProof data with your proofs table field names. As proofs progress through their lifecycle the data will automatically sync to these matched fields. There is a range of available proof fields. Click the plus icon next to the field to automatically add the field to your proofs table.

For example:

Approved date
Match your data to the proofs table

Scroll down to see more available proof fields.

Scroll down to see more available proof fields.

Step 4

Click connect.

Connect your PageProof team screen

Repeat the steps above to add the PageProof extension to as many of your Airtable bases as you need. Proof information in the Airtable base will be seen by Airtable members with access to the base. To see a list of all connected Airtable bases, PageProof team administrators can go to team, then integrations and view the advanced settings for Airtable.

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