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Skip reviewers who previously approved
Skip reviewers who previously approved

When uploading a new version of the proof, you can easily skip the reviewers who previously approved the proof. Here’s how.

Gemma avatar
Written by Gemma
Updated over a week ago

When reviewers in the workflow have approved the previous version of the proof, you may not want to ask them to review the new version of the proof. In a click, this can swiftly be achieved.

To skip reviewers who previously approved

Step 1

In the proof setup screen, click the three dots icon next to the workflow and select skip reviewers who previously approved.

The 3 dots menu for the workflow in the proof setup screen showing the option to skip reviewers who previously approved

Step 2

In the pop-up window, click skip reviewers.

Skip reviewers who previously approved pop-up message

This will move all reviewers who previously gave an approved or approved with changes decision into a new workflow step at the top of the workflow. The workflow will be then set to start after this step.

An example of the new workflow step at the top of the workflow which has been set to be skipped over:

Example of the approved previous version workflow step displaying the step is skipped over

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