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Explaining the role of an owner
Explaining the role of an owner

What can an owner of the proof do? What makes this role important? What permissions do they have over the proof?

Gemma avatar
Written by Gemma
Updated over 10 months ago

Explaining the role of an owner

The proof owner is the person who is responsible for the proof and manages the proof through its workflow. They can manage all aspects of the proof – including stopping the workflow at any time to upload a new version, reverting decisions, deleting and archiving.

The proof owner can do things like:

  • Edit the workflow after the proof has been sent – for example, can add/remove reviewers, nudge and skip reviewers, and change roles and permissions.

  • Edit comments of others

  • Stop the workflow at any time to upload a new version

  • Revert the to-do list if the approver or gatekeeper has pressed their send to-do list button too soon and more comments need to be added to the proof

  • Manually approve the proof on behalf of the approver (useful if the approver has given verbal approval)

  • Withdraw final approval if the approver has prematurely pressed the approved button

  • Delete and archive the proof

  • Change the deadline, details of the proof, allow the original file to be downloaded, and can set an automatic proof reminder

As the owner they also receive notifications that others do not such as:

  • An email when the proof is approved

  • An email when a to-do list is sent

  • An email when the proof becomes overdue

Best practices:

  • Add additional proof owners to co-manage a proof, or if you are intending on going on leave (you can do this by going to the proof info pane and clicking the + icon beside the proof owner. You can also add another owner to multiple proofs at the same time via your dashboard.)

  • When setting up a proof, make sure that tags are set up before sending it out to a workflow.  This action allows anyone on the proof who makes a search to see proofs with similar tags grouped together into a folder found on the dashboard.

  • When assigning the proof to an editor, make sure to curate the comments, edit the ones that are unclear and unmark the ones you don’t want the editor to work on.

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